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The Canadian Chamber of Commerce issued a report entitled The Measures that Matter: How Canada’s Natural Resource Sector Is Working to Protect the Environment.

Natural resources are essential to our quality of life; they help build, fuel and feed the world. While natural resource production is needed to support growing global prosperity, it is also clear that there are implications for the environment. The struggle to strike a balance between economic development fueled by natural resource production and protecting our environment is one of the most critical challenges of our time.

In the report, the CCC examines the ways in which Canadian industry and governments are addressing the environmental challenges of resource production, specifically within the forestry, mining, and oil and gas sectors. We provide an overview of the approaches, technologies and tools being developed or put into practice to mitigate impacts on air, land and water and we present recommendations for action by the federal government to help support the continuous improvement in the environmental performance of Canada’s resource sectors.

Read the report.