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The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has  issued a report entitled Looking into the Crystal Ball: Economic, Political and Technology Outlook 2015.

This report highlights the big economic, political and technological trends that will shape global business in 2015 and beyond as presented by a panel of experts at our Crystal Ball Symposium, held last month.

Highlights for 2015:
• Global growth will accelerate to 4.1% this year from 3.3% in 2014.
• As Canadian consumers are spending less, Canada’s economic growth will shift away from a reliance on consumption towards increased exports and business investments.
• Oil may temporarily drop to $40 a barrel but will eventually return to balance in the $70 a barrel range.
• All over the world, politics is the risk to watch in 2015.
• To increase the competitiveness of Canadian business, Canada must revitalize its innovation policy framework, expand the pool of venture capital and improve access to foreign markets.

Read the report.