Latest Issues

As part of Council’s commitment to balance the need to provide services with the desire to maintain low property taxes, the Finance Committee of Greater Sudbury recently solicited public input for the 2013 municipal budget.

While the Committee will begin formal budget deliberations with staff in the fall, the process starts now to ensure that Council has time to consider all ideas and suggestions.

Given the current economic opportunities facing our community, setting the right conditions for business success is more important than ever.  It is anticipated that our local economy will experience $6.3 billion in mining development over the next 5 years.

With over 1,050 members, your chamber seeks to raise the quality and consciousness of public discourse on key issues confronting businesses.  That’s why we have made a submission aimed at providing guidance and suggestions to Council so that they can create the best environment for business to thrive. We all win when we have a strong and sustainable economy founded on a well positioned municipal government.

Our submission is structured around four municipal areas that are critical to improving the business experience in the community and creating the circumstances that allow the municipality to become more fiscally independent.