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The Ministry of Transportation has crafted a consultation paper on a proposed multimodal goods movement strategy for Ontario, read it here.  The paper will also be posted on the Environmental and Regulatory registries.

An accompanying consultation workbook includes numerous questions on the document meant to be used to formulate a response.  The workbook can be accessed online here. There is a button on top of the document that says “submit by e-mail” which will automatically send your responses in to the ministry.

While you are encouraged to provide input on behalf of your individual organizations, the OCC will be drafting a response and welcomes your feedback and suggestions.

Key questions to guide your input to the OCC submission:

Do the future trends, challenges and issues facing goods movement outlined in this document reflect the challenges that you face in your industry, or that you see for the economy as a whole?

Do you agree with the vision, objectives and strategies in the document? Are there critical elements that you see as missing that should be incorporated into the strategies?

In particular, do the vision, objectives and strategies provide enough information to you on the government’s overall policy directions to allow you to prioritize your investments going forward?

What are the most pressing infrastructure and regulatory issues that you would like to see addressed over the next 20 years through a multimodal goods movement strategy?

Are there immediate low‐cost actions that you think should be taken to address goods movement bottlenecks?

Please send comments to Arielle Baltman-Cord at [email protected] or (416) 482-5222 ext. 2470